WDP Terumo Genk 39

Shareholder structure

A detailed look at our shareholder structure.


The total capital of WDP amounts to 258,754,032.10 euros and is represented by 225,845,971 fully paid-up ordinary shares. There are no preferred shares. Each of these shares carries one voting right at the General Shareholders Meeting and these shares thus represent the denominator for the purposes of notifications under the transparency regulations (i.e. notifications in case of reaching, crossing or falling below the statutory or legal thresholds).

In addition to the legal thresholds, the WDP Articles of Association specify an additional statutory threshold of 3% and 7.5% in accordance with article 18, §1 of the Transparency Law of 2 May 2007.

There are no outstanding options or warrants issued that entitle their holder to shares.

Shareholding Number of shares (declared) Date of the statement (in %)

Free float



  • BlackRock-related companies(1)




  • AXA Investment Managers S.A.(1)




  • Norges Bank(1)




  • Other shareholders under the statutory treshold of 3%(2)




Family Jos De Pauw (reference shareholder)(3)




Total number of shares



  1. The percentage is determined under the assumption that the number of shares has not changed since the most recent declaration of transparency, and taking into account the total number of outstanding shares in WDP.
  2. The number of publicly held shares was determined under the assumption that since the declarations of transparency, nothing has changed with regard to the composition of the share portfolio of the shareholders obligated to report major holdings by virtue of the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on disclosure of major holdings in issuers whose shares are admitted for trading on a regulated market and with various provisions.
  3. The reference shareholder, the Jos De Pauw family, has integrated all its WDP shares that were held in common into a family company structure in which the existing common holding is institutionalised.

Reference shareholder

On 26 October 2012, the reference shareholder, the Jos De Pauw family, has integrated all its WDP shares that were held in common into a family company structure in which the existing common holding is institutionalised. The holders of the voting rights are the members of the Body of Management of the RTKA Partnership, under exclusion of any other holder of rights in the participation.

Open and transparent

Openness and communication with the shareholders is a must for every listed company. The shareholders themselves must also behave transparently with everyone. After all, an insight into the voting power ratios within a company increases the transparency of the strategy being pursued. Finally, a well-informed investment public allows for the efficient and correct operation of the financial markets. WDP fully supports the Belgian transparency regulations. (Law of 2 May 2007)