Discover the onboarding process at WDP.
Lots of brainfood
Even before you join us, you’ll receive plenty of information. Right from your job interview, we’ll fill you in on the job itself, our company culture and our organization. you’ll immediately know what we’ll expect from you.
And of course, we want to live up to your expectations as well. So we’ll make you an offer — perhaps one you simply can’t refuse? You’ll then receive a full overview of your salary package. We’ll even send you a handy Excel sheet with all the details, including the gross-net ratio, so you can easily see what you’ll be earning every month.
Another great brain at WDP
Have you accepted our proposal and signed your contract? Then a whole team of Great Brains will be getting ready to give you a warm welcome. Set your exact start together with HR and your future branch; we’ll make sure everything runs smoothly.
Meet your mentor
This co-worker will show you the ins and outs of the company during your first months at WDP. He will be there to answer all your questions.
Your arrival will be noticed
Your start date will be announced to the whole WDP group via our internal communication channels so we can we can all give you a warm welcome.
Hit the ground running
All the gear you need will be waiting for you – be it a phone, a car, a laptop, business cards or pen and paper. That way, you can effortlessly focus on the job from day one.
Your first weeks on the job
Starting a new job: are you feeling the excitement? Thanks to your co-workers, you’ll be quick off the mark. But what does that mean exactly?
Day 1
You’ll be welcomed, shown around and introduced to your new colleagues via our HR team. After that, your own team will take over. They’ll ensure that you are properly supported from the very beginning.
First days
You took the plunge! Now you’ll fully get to know the bigger picture of the company. Your schedule will be filled with meetings with all the different branches, HR, and your Mentor. After this induction period, you’ll have a clear overview of all the activities and branches within the company.supported from the very beginning.
First weeks
We’ll get you fully up to speed, with internal (online) trainings and half a day on the road with a facility/project manager. That way, you’ll also have a grasp on the layout of our facilities.
After one month
You’ll get to discuss your experiences with HR, during an informal chat. Any questions, suggestions or comments? We’ll make adjustments accordingly, if necessary.
After six months
Your onboarding is officially over, time to take stock! You’ll go over everything in detail with HR. Your direct manager will also fill out an evaluation form, focusing on your first six months at WDP. That information will allow us to continuously improve our onboarding process, so that your future colleagues also get the welcome they deserve.
Ready for take-off?
Quite an elaborate onboarding procedure, isn’t it? It just goes to show that we’ll go to great lengths to make you feel welcome from the very beginning.
And it’s a wrap! That’s everything you need to know about your start at WDP. Your future co-workers are all set to welcome you with open arms.