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Growth plan 2024 – 27

With #BLEND2027, the four-year growth plan for 2024 – 27, WDP is aiming for earnings growth driven by multiple drivers, across the breadth of our operations and geographical presence: developments, acquisitions, internal growth and energy solutions in our existing core markets and further deployment of operations in France and Germany.

This ambitious plan is fully funded thanks to a strong balance sheet and robust cash flow, and provides the foundation for sustainable value creation – for both clients and shareholders.

#BLEND2027: multi-driver growth in multiple markets




Net debt / EBITDA (adj.)



1.70 euros

+ 6% CAGR(2)

1.36 euros


  1. Based on the current interest rate curve.
  2. Representing an underlying CAGR of +6% versus EPRA EPS of €1.50 in 2024, adjusted for one-offs of € 0.03 per share in 2024 and the impact of the abolishment of the Dutch REIT status as from 2025 of -€ 0.05 per share.
Assumptions and underlying hypotheses
  • Sustained structural demand for logistics property with a gradual recovery in demand.
  • Stable operational metrics (high occupancy rate, long lease terms and high client retention).
  • The abolition of the Dutch REIT regime implies an annual impact on EPRA Earnings per share of € ‑0.05 of 2025.

These ambitions are based on current knowledge and situation and barring unforeseen circumstances, within the context of a volatile macroeconomic and geopolitical environment.