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Multi-layer warehouses

Think vertically and reach new heights in logistics success.

The answer to today’s logistics challenges

The global growth of e‑commerce, rising land prices and a lack of available logistic real estate and plots. These are three major challenges that companies face today. In order to continue to meet the high demand and ensure an efficient logistics flow, they must look for innovative solutions. Preferably near their existing location. One of these innovative developments is the use of multi-layer warehouses. They not only improve the workplace experience, but also do so in a sustainable and financially attractive way.

What is a multi-layer warehouse?

With a multi-layer warehouse, you don’t expand your logistic real estate horizontally, in the width of your plot, but in height. A multi-storey warehouse is a building constructed vertically, with ramps for trucks, loading docks and storage systems on the different levels. Often, automation and other technologies are used to make the distribution flow as fast and efficient as possible and to make companies future-proof.

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The benefits of multi-layered development

Expand on your existing plot

without the need for an additional building plot.

More efficient use of available land 

for a smaller ecological footprint.

Optimum logistics flow

and more work space without comrpromises.

Why choose WDP for your multi-layered infrastructure?

  • We offer you the logistics real estate you need within your desired region. Even when available land is scarce.
  • You get the opportunity to expand and perform all necessary optimisations for the most efficient business operations at your existing location, without needing more building plots.

Looking to reach new heights in logistics success? Get in touch.

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