This is how you keep your building safe from fires
written by Klaas Vandamme
Published on:
Impact by responsibility
Everything you need to know about fire safety
Keep your storage room protected from fire is a vital necessity, but at the same time quite the task. Your building, but also all the aspects of your sprinkler system, need to comply with dozens of laws and rules. Moreover, maintenance takes a great deal of time and effort.
Because it’s sometimes hard to keep all your ducks in a row, we have collected the most important guidelines in one handy document that you can download here for free.
In this manual, we show you:
- What can go wrong in storage spaces or warehouses: rules that are often neglected by owners and tenants
- What to take into account as a tenant and owner: stacking goods, maintenance and the location of your sprinkler system, compartmentalisation, etc.
In this manual, you will also receive:
- Heaps of handy tips that can help you eliminate problems and dangers in advance
- Checklists for tenants, so you know:
- Which aspects of your sprinkler system you are required to test
- What you need to do when you change something about the lay-out of your building
- Who to notify when your system is out of order
Download the manual and keep it on your desktop: that way, you can find it easily when you need it. Or print it out and put them on your desk. Because fire safety is always a priority!