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Renewable power – PV installations

Energy from renewable sources is the key to net-zero operations.

The key to net-zero

Did you know that buildings account for almost 40% of Europe’s energy consumption? This presents us with an enormous opportunity to make a difference. By transforming our warehouses into renewable energy sources, we truly place energy at your service. For our customers, it means a clean, consistent flow of reliable energy with reduced exposure to fluctuating supplies and prices. For the entire logistics sector, it means significant progress towards a carbon-free industry.

PV Installations: reaching for the skies

WDP has been building PV installations since 2008. We realised early on that solar power has a vital role in the energy transition and began exploring the potential to use the large areas available on warehouse rooftops for solar parks. Fifteen years on, we are well on the way to achieving our target capacity of 250 megawatt peak by 2025.

WDP energy Renawable Power PV

A full-service offer

We support a stress-free transition to green power with an end-to-end solution that allows clients to utilise completely sustainable power, generated at their own site. WDP takes care of the financial investment and handles the entire project, from analysis and engineering right through to documentation, contracts, installation and maintenance. 

We offer real-time tracking of power generation and consumption and, if you also have a WDP EV charging infrastructure at your site, we can integrate your systems for optimal energy efficiency and sustainability. Why not make your warehouse facility a true reflection of your sustainability claims and a flagship for your brand?

WDP energy Renewable Power Full Service

Heat pumps: sustainable indoor comfort

We invite you to step away from fossil fuels and embrace better control over your energy supplies and costs. As a WDP client, you can choose to heat and cool your facility using renewable power from your own heat pump. Your heat pump installation will be engineered, installed and maintained by WDP without any investment from you. To further support you in optimising efficiency and reducing costs, we offer real time tracking of your power consumption and generation. We can even integrate the heat pump system with your PV installation for the ultimate green energy setup.

Like the idea of generating your own energy supply? Contact us