WDP 358

Business model & strategy

How we create value for all our stakeholders.

First off: our valuable resources

These are the capitals we draw upon for our business activities and which are essential as an input for our business model…

Financial capital

Real estate

Intellectual and human capital

Social capital

Natural capital

Our business model

Supported by our strategy, we transform inputs through our different business activities and try to maximize their value for all stakeholders…

The outcome : our value pillars

These pillars represent our commitment to creating added value for our business, making the society thrive and safeguarding the environment.

Future logistics

We optimize the activities of our clients and guarantee them quality, sustainability, and continuity.

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Sustainable growth

We aim for balanced growth within a context of transparent and fair governance.

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Impact by responsibility

We take up our social responsibility and commit to a reliable value chain and strong relationships with our business partners.

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Vitally engaged

#TeamWDP is the driving force behind our value creation.

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Ready for more?

Discover more about our stakeholder engagement in 2023 in the following document.

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