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Proposal to change the status to a public regulated real estate company

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WDP launches transition from property investment trust to new Regulated Real Estate Company status (GVV/SIR)

As a result of the publication of the Law of 12 May 2014 concerning the Regulated Real Estate Companies (gereglementeerde vastgoedvennootschappen – GVV/SIR LAW) and the Belgian Royal Decree of 13 July 2014 on Regulated Real Estate Companies, WDP Comm. VA has submitted a license to the FSMA for approval, for WDP, which currently has the status of public Vastgoedbevak/​Sicafi, listed on Euronext Brussels, to be able to have its status changed to adopt that of public Regulated Real Estate Company (openbare GVV/SIR).

Proposal to change the status to a public regulated real estate company

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