WDP Forklift Safety training

Forklift safety

Protect your operators, assets and profits.

Reduce the risk of forklift accidents

Operating heavy equipment like forklifts, and lifting or carrying heavy loads are central to warehousing processes. At the same time, the risk of accidents, material damage and casualties is very real. Over 60% of all forklift incidents are caused by harsh braking or acceleration, sharp turns and collisions.

Investing in safety is therefore key to protecting your bottom line. Our forklift safety services help you reduce fuel, maintenance and repair costs. At the same time, they enhance productivity, cut emissions and contribute to favourable insurance premiums.

Driver coaching and real-time assistance

Transform safety performance at your site with behaviour-based training for forklift drivers. By addressing unsafe driving habits such as harsh turning, excessive braking and near-misses, this training will ensure long-term compliance with safe operating practices. Our digital driver coaching solution also provides immediate feedback and actionable data on individual operators’ safety performance.

Safety security

Collision avoidance

Don’t leave safety to chance. By equipping your forklifts with a proximity detection system, drivers and pedestrians are warned in case of imminent collisions. This solution is proven to significantly decrease accidents and near-misses. It also enables you to collect detailed data on (potential) hotspots, driver behaviour, and so on.

Equipment monitoring and damage analysis

WDP’s forklift safety solutions include digital tracking and monitoring across your entire material handling operation. The resulting insights help you to improve efficiency as well as safety. We also support you with an objective analysis of any impact on your vehicles to pin down the cause and identify action points to improve driver behaviour, your infrastructure, and maintenance policies.

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Ready to lift your forklift safety to the next level? Get in touch.